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Planet: Red Tickets

Mission: Poster Project for RedTickets

Story: The challenge was to represent 10 categories in just 5 posters, maintaining the orange from the brand manual and ensuring that the logo was present in a subtle yet effective manner. I chose to use the star from the logo as the main element, giving it a creative focus that not only met the brand requirements but also added a distinctive touch to each design.


The categories ranged from Music/Parties to Sports/Soccer, Family/Carnival, and Courses/Conferences, among others. I decided to group them by conceptual similarity, which allowed them to coexist in the same visual space harmoniously.


I loved the opportunity to play with vibrant colors, especially knowing that these posters would be used to promote a music festival (Cosquín Rock).

Ilustración_sin_título 69.jpg
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-24 a la(s) 11.44.41.png
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